
Sunday, January 23, 2011

heather lee

heather lee is a female bodybuilder.

Heather Lee is a bodybuilder, powerlifter and fitness model. and occasionally performing in Strongwoman competitions.

Aside from the usual range of photos that seem to go hand-in-hand with the sites of most fitness models, her training journal contains some interesting tidbits.

NPC Contests~

NPC Nationals 2004, 7th Place Light Heavyweight

2003 NPC USA Bodybuilding Championships, 2nd Place Middleweight

2002 Junior USA Middleweight and Overall Winner

2001 NPC NJ State BB Championships, Middleweight and Overall

Powerlifting Contests~

IPA Nazbar Strength Spectacular, May 2004~ totalled 1205, turned Pro, 535

squat, 265 bench and 405 deadlift

N.A.S.S. (North American Strongman Society) Stronger Then All Contest, 4th

Place, Heavyweight Division

Other Titles~

Miss Thyroslim 2000, 2nd place, The Gaspari Fitness Model Search 2000

Overall Winner,1998 Miss Hawaiian Tropics Regional 3rd Place


NAME~ Heather Lee

BIRTH DATE~ July 19,1978

PLACE OF BIRTH~ New Brunswick, New Jersey

Haircolor~ Blond

Eyecolor~ Blue

Weight~ 160 offseason, 130 contest

Height~ 5'4

Years training~ 8 seriously

OCCUPATION(S)~National Level Bodybuilder (NPC), Fitness Model, Trainer and Nutritional Advisor

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